Automated Packaging Systems AirPouch Void Fill Air Pillows
Protective Packaging Air Cushions that offer improved product protection
AirPouch Void-fill Air Pillows are puncture resistant and feature our award-winning EZ-Tear perforations for easy handling and faster packing productivity.
AirPouch Void-fill Air Pillows are puncture resistant and feature our award-winning EZ-Tear perforations for easy handling and faster packing productivity.
- Available in multiple sizes suitable for all void-fill applications
- Cleaner handling, excellent product visibility, and lower shipping and storage costs
- Pillows require an average of 83% less effort to pull and separate than competitive brand
- Durable and puncture resistant pillows inflate on-demand, saving valuable warehouse space
- High-yield, boxed material reduces changeover time
- Pillows are clean, dust-free, and lightweight
- Printable pillows for branding
- AirPouch pillows are infinitely recyclable and come in EarthAware recycled materials