The Weigh Right PMB Net Weighers are vibratory scales that are versatile for almost any application within a package weight of 2 grams to 50 lbs. and for thousands of food and non-food products. The PMB Net Weighers use the “bulk and dribble” method vibrating most of the desired weight quickly into the weigh bucket (bulk speed) and the rest slowly (dribble speed) to provide an accurate weight.
Although each scale uses this method, every model is application-specific designed to handle your products, interface with any automatic equipment (new or existing baggers or conveyors), provide the necessary fill rate, and cleanly fill into your packages.
The product’s flow characteristics determine the number of vibratory trays needed to move the product into the weigh bucket accurately. Each system is designed to handle as many of your products as possible.
Our standard frame designs come with powder-coated finishes, and the contact surfaces are 304 stainless steel. If your scale requires all stainless washdown upgrades, USDA, or WDA design features, Weigh Right provides these options, plus many more.
The PMB Net Weighers series is available in 1 to 6 lanes to meet various speed requirements or batch products together. Our scales come standard with touch screen menu-driven controls offering job storage, help menus, and easy-to-read graphics. All scales come with non-proprietary components.
Weights & Rates
For PMB-1 (Single Lane Scale)
*Measured in Fills Per Minute
1 oz. to 8 oz. — 15 cpm
8 oz. to 2 oz. — 10 cpm
2 lbs. to 3 lbs. — 8 cpm
3 lbs. to 5 lbs. — 6 cpm
5 lbs. to 10 lbs. — 3 cpm