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The Starview CBS Series automated inline conveyor type blister sealing machines are ideal for high volume or JIT production. Given the proper conditions, these machines are capable of up to 20 cycles per minute in production. These automated inline conveyor blister sealing machines are built with the capability to feed blister(s), blister card(s), and discharge ­finished packages when proper tooling is installed.

The Starview CBS Series machines may be used for conventional carded blisters, trapped blisters, club store trapped packages, full face blisters, and half-clamshell styles as well as some applications using Tyvek, foils, and other heat sealable lid stock.

With multiple open loading stations, these machines are ideal for automated product loading or where multiple items are to be placed in a single package. Machines with other sealing areas and different numbers of stations are also available.

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